Hi there, I’m Leti!

If you’re looking to buy NC Cards, keep reading this page or click the button below to visit my shop:


Hello! My name is Leticia, but you can also call me Leti if you’d like. I live in Brazil and I’ve been playing Neopets on and off since 2007. My favorite things to do on the site have always been trading NC and customizing my pets. I started selling NC Cards in 2020 to help me generate extra income during the pandemic, and I have been selling them ever since. Along this journey, I have received over 1750 positive feedbacks on my shop, and your support through every purchase has been incredibly valuable to me. If you have any concerns about my shop’s credibility or if you think it’s shady, feel free to reach out to me or ask for vouches on the r/neopets discord.

Payment: PayPal or Debit/Credit Card

Chibi made by Chanty ♡ | Petpet images from Neopets

Products Available

Discount code: NCCDISCOUNT 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Neocash Card?

Neocash (commonly abbreviated as NC) is a virtual Neopian currency from Neopets game, that can usually only be obtained when you purchase it with real-life money in US dollars.

2. Are the cards legit? How do you get them?

The cards are legit and safe to redeem. I buy them from the official supplier that sells NC cards to all stores in Brazil, and I’m able to resell for a discounted price due to the currency exchange rate.

3. Will I get in trouble or compromise my account if I redeem NC cards?

No, you won’t get in trouble for that. You can buy Neocash Cards off site, as TNT mentioned a few times on the editorals from The Neopian Times (issues 529, 610 and 690). I’ve been selling since 2020 and I’ve never heard of anyone getting frozen for redeeming NC cards.

4. What are the payment methods?

Directly on my site you can pay safely through PayPal or using a Debit/Credit (powered by Stripe).

5. How can I contact you?

You can message me at:
Email: support@neocashcards.com
Discord: leti.nc

 Why should I buy NC from your shop instead of buying directly from Neopets?


Free Gift Boxes and items

For each card you redeem you will get 2 free basic gift boxes and 1 item.
Buying directly on site you only get the NC.


Instant Delivery

You will receive you NC codes instantly in your email. Sometimes buying directly from Neopets can bug and you will have to send TNT a ticket.


Customer Service

If you have any issue with the NC code you received, I will resolve your issue as quick as I can. Sending TNT a ticket can take days or weeks to get an answer.


Sightly Cheaper

I can sell the cards slightly cheaper than Neopets due to the current exchange rate.


Supporting a small business

Buying from my shop you are supporting a small and independent business. You are still supporting Neopets and they are still profiting.

+1750 Positive Feedbacks

Contact Me

If you need any help, have questions or sugestions, please send a message to:



