Item info: Blossom into your best self with these new items! Open this capsule and receive one exclusive cherry blossom summer-themed item. This capsule also has a chance of awarding one of three limited edition bonus items!
Release Date: June 21, 2023
Retirement Date: August 31, 2023
2. Blossoming Summer Retired Mystery Capsule
Item info: Summer is in full bloom! Open this capsule and select a category (two if you are lucky) of your choice to receive one (or two) exclusive retired Summer Shop item(s).
Date: June 21, 2023
Retirement Date: August 31, 2023
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1. Cherry Blossom Mystery Capsule
This capsule will award one of the following exclusive items:

Item info: Represent the cherry blossom (but with black)!
Occupies: Shirt/Dress
Restricts: Ruff

Item info: Fan yourself, or just hold it as a fun accessory!
Occupies: Right-hand Item
Restricts: None

Item info: Just what you need for a summer stroll amongst the cherry blossom trees!
Occupies: Right-hand Item, Right-hand Item
Restricts: None

Item info: This hairstyle took some time to put together, but it looks marvelous!
Occupies: Hat, Hat sometimes
Restricts: Hair Back, Hair Front

Item info: You swish it through the air and it goes *swish* *swish* *swish*!
Occupies: Right-hand Item
Restricts: None

Item info: Feel a nice summer breeze come through these sliding doors!
Occupies: Background Item
Restricts: None

Item info: Represent the cherry blossom!
Occupies: Shirt/Dress
Restricts: Ruff

Color/species used: White Aisha
You also have a chance of receiving one of the following limited edition bonus items:

Item info: So pretty, so peaceful…
Occupies: Thought Bubble
Restricts: None

Item info: Feel pink and pretty with this cherry blossom skin!
Occupies: Earrings sometimes, Markings sometimes, Markings sometimes, Markings sometimes, Wings sometimes
Restricts: None

Item info: So peaceful! The cherry blossoms are in perfect bloom!
Occupies: Background
Restricts: None

Color/species used: Transparent Draik
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2. Blossoming Summer Retired Mystery Capsule
Click here to check the prize pool of retired items.
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Neocash Shop Link
Click below to buy NC:
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