NC Mall News: Haunted Mansion Creepy Crystal Ball

hi hi neopian friends!
The Halloween event just hit the NC Mall!

To celebrate Halloween in 2023, the Haunted Mansion has returned to the NC Mall. This event is very similar to Haunted Hijinks if you have participated in that in the past.

Special Crystal Ball packs allow you to light up rooms in order to receive prizes. The event runs from October 16, 2023 through October 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM NST. You must activate your Crystal Balls by 11:59 PM NST on October 31st, but there is no rush to claim your prizes. You will have until next year’s Haunted Mansion to use up all of your Crystal Ball packs.

You can participate in this on your side account(s). (font: jellyneo)

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October 16th

Distressed Spooky White Dress
Item info:
Hole-y moley! This distressed dress will make any look spooky!
Occupies: Shirt/Dress 
Restricts: None

October 17th

Long Black Spooky Wig
Item info:
This hair look is definitely giving spooky, unkempt vibes!
Occupies: Hat, Hat 
Restricts: Hair Back, Hair Front

October 18th

White Facepaint and Black Eye Makeup
Item info:
Its show time! Your face looks as pale as a ghost!
Occupies: Glasses 
Restricts: None

October 19th

Foggy Well Background
Item info:
Well, well, well, this fog is rolling in very creepily!
Occupies: Background 
Restricts: None

October 20th

Inside the Television Frame
Item info
: Hey! Look whats on TV!
Occupies: Foreground 
Restricts: None

October 21st

Messy Green Spikey Wig
Item info:
This green, messy wig is very strange and unusual! Dont ignore it!
Occupies: Hat 
Restricts: Hair Back, Hair Front, Ruff

October 22nd

Black and White Striped Suit
Item info:
This suit is spooky cool! You could say that three times!
Occupies: Shirt/Dress, Shoes, Trousers 
Restricts: None

October 23rd

Dark Brown Curly Bobbed Wig
Item info: These curls look out of this world!
Occupies: Hat, Hat sometimes 
Restricts: Hair Back, Hair Front

October 24th

Blue Space Jumpsuit Outfit
Item info:
Just what you need for space! Something comfy and fashionable!
Occupies: Belt, Shirt/Dress 
Restricts: None

October 25th

Baby Space Fungus Face Cuddler
Item info:
Dont worry they just want to cuddle your face!
Occupies: Static 
Restricts: None
Virtupets Station Baby Space Fungus Infestation Background
Item info:
Who let in all these Baby Space Fungi!?
Occupies: Background 
Restricts: None

October 27th

Baby Space Fungus Spore Eggs Foreground
Item info:
Woah! The way these Baby Space Fungus move is kind of cute and also creepy…
Occupies: Lower Foreground Item 
Restricts: None

October 28th

Yellow Hooded Raincoat Outfit
Item info:
Time to look stylish and ready for rainy weather!
Occupies: Backpack, Markings, Shirt/Dress, Shoes, Static 
Restricts: Hair Back, Hair Front, Head Transient Biology, Ruff

October 29th

Rainy Storm Drain Background
Item info:
Its raining! Be careful near the storm drain!
Occupies: Background 
Restricts: None

October 30th

Creepy-Dressed Clown Chia Background Item
Item info:
This Clown Chia looks like its floating with this fun dance!
Occupies: Background Item 
Restricts: None

October 31st

Caged Neopia Monsters Background
Item info:
Are we sure they cant escape…?
Occupies: Background 
Restricts: None

Bonus Prizes

4th , 8th and 16h Rooms

Petrifying Phan-tomb Giftbox
Item info:
You can use this Gift Box to give a NC item to another Neopets user as a gift!

16th Room

Tall Creature in the Woods Background
Item info
: What was that?! Something might be in this woods with you…or someone?
Occupies: Background 
Restricts: None

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Neocash Shop Link
Click below to buy NC:

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